
Dear Business Owner,


Are you, or have you tried generating Homeowner Leads Online?


Would you be excited to get 100 guaranteed "HIGH QUALITY" homeowner inquiries every day?


Announcing A Digital Lead Generation Agency Specializing In Homeowner Leads.



Dear Business Owner,


As you are in the

<\/div> Industry, here is a no-risk offer from 33 Park Media


Good quality leads are the life-blood of any company. And, we can generate these for you.


  • Over the past 7 years, my team and I have developed custom made techniques and tools which consistently allow us to produce amazing results.


  • This process has been tried and tested with many different products and industires and through thousands of hours of testing.


  • This is how we can GUARANTEE the quality of our leads.




And, the best part there are NO upfront creative costs, NO upfront production costs and NO upfront setup fees, – this alone is an incredible saving of over $5000 alone!


And, to make this even better,

you don’t have to pay a monthly management fee!


This means we can offer you a risk-free trial to our digital advertising pulling power.


Are there any catches?


There are two:


1)   We specialize in Business to Consumer (B2C) lead generation - We don’t do B2B.


2)   If you decide to work with us you must be capable of accepting at least 100 leads per week.


Who Is 33 Park Media?


33 Park Media is a full-service direct response digital agency based in Hilton Head Island, SC. We specialize in creating digital advertising that sells. In the past seven years, 33 Park Media has grown to be a top digital direct response agency in the southeastern US. We are again expanding our capacity and can offer guaranteed results to more businesses.


How Can We Guarantee Results?


We’re able to guarantee the quality of our leads because of our total approach to digital direct response. We have developed systems which are unique to us – and this makes for unusually powerful digital advertising. Here are the key points:


1)    Advertising Is Salesmanship.

Our whole creative approach is built on this fundamental premise. Every word, every picture in our advertisements must justify itself in sales. Of course, most digital direct response agencies fully agree with the idea that advertising must sell. But we don’t believe most of them live by it as religiously as we do and would coware at the thought of guaranteeing their work.


2)    Building on a Strong Product.

We believe that great advertising starts with a first-class product. Don’t forget “A gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen.” Once we take on a client with such a product, we research it for success. We take it apart and examine it from all angles. We do extensive research to find out who your prospective customers are. Then we explore what your competitors are doing – until we’ve found your unique consumer advantage. Once we have this, we build the entire campaign around it, to demonstrate logically, factually and dramatically, why yours is the best product to fill your specific customer’s needs. We’ve verified time and again in sales results that a strong product and good advertising are a combination almost impossible to beat.


3)    Top Creative Teams.

We partner with the best creatives in the industry. The most passionate and hard-working lot in the industry. This includes creative directors, copywriters, programmers and graphic designers.


4)  A Partner on Your Account.

During and after the initial test period, a 33 Park Media partner will supervise all work on your account and have day-to-day responsibility for anything done for you. You gain the experience of – and have immediate access to - that partner at all times.


5)  Bringing It All Together.

Bringing this all together is a passion and a commitment to digital marketing that makes rewarding at 33 Park Media. You’ll find our team working after 7,8,9 o’clock, night after night, brainstorming and beating all other competitor’s controls. This creative excitement is exhilarating. 33 Park Media is the digital marketing company people are watching.



How Have Our Clients Done?


We wish to say that we hit a homerun every time, but of course we can’t. But our clients have done well…


For example:


[Please amend these according to any previous results you might have had]


  • A PPI Client: Within the past 18 months after our advertising began, we have generated over 39,567 leads. This has resulted in an ROI of £3.5 for every £1 ad spend.  They have proven to be high successful within an extremely competitive industry.


  • The Debt Management Company: During the first year we have generated over 27,957 leads. This has been a difficult campaign, but through grit, hard work and determination we have now generated an ROI of £5:1.


  • The Broadband Company: Competing in a mature, well-advertised industry against some multi-million-pound marketing budgets would seem to be a fool’s errand. But, we are tenacious, and we are making a significant headway in generating leads from this company. Our advertising is on target to generate over a 1000 leads a month.


And these are just a few of our clients…


What Our Clients say about us...


“[Insert Your Testimonials here” - A happy Customer!


If you would like to speak to one of our existing clients, I would be more than happy to put you in touch with them.


What Should You Do If You’re Interested?


If you are interested in us and our unique offer, call or email for more information.


Remember this would be a no obligation chat – if you don’t want to work with us you won’t hurt our feelings. But, if you do want to work with us, that would make us very happy indeed.


The best part about our “guaranteed results” offer is that you don’t risk a penny. So come and have a chat and let’s see what we can do.


To take us up on our offer, or to find out more, email or call (Your inquiry will be kept in confidence)


All the best,


Frank 'Bo' Milbourn


(843) 682-2212

[email protected]

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